I'm Teaching a Class this Summer

I'm teaching a 2-credit graduate course at Montana State University this summer.  It is part of the Masters of Science in Science Education program.  I have set up my own Moodle server and I am going to be running it like my high school classroom.  Technologies include, but are not limited to, the following: Moodle, screencasting software, iPads, Livescribe pens, graphics tablets, Google docs, Smartboards, data probes, and video.  If you (or a teachers you know) might be interested in spending a week in beautiful Bozeman learning everything I know about education technology please sign up. 

You can read more about the class by clicking here.

The Learning Classroom and the Importance of Fair

I've been thinking about fair lately.  I have always done my best to make my class fair.  However flipping extends the classroom into the home and the home is not fair for all students.  The availability of internet or computers is not the same for all students.  Time at home is also not fair.  Many students take care of siblings or work jobs at night.  Imagine the stress placed on a family with no internet access.  Imagine working a second job and then having to drive your kid to the library so they could complete a science assignment. 
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