
Paul Andersen describes the process of mitosis. He begins by discussing the importance of the cell cycle in development, regeneration, asexual reproduction and wound healing. He differentiates between haploid and diploid cells and describes the structure of the chromosome. He then moves through all the phases of mitosis; interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis.
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052 - Cellular Variation

Paul Andersen explains how variation is created within a cell. He starts by showing how molecular variation can increase fitness at the local level. He explains how an additional chlorophyll molecule allows plants to absorb more light from the sun. He also explains how cells can vary the composition of phospholipids in their cell membrane. He explains the significance of heterozygote advantage and how gene duplication can create novel genes. The antifreeze protein evolved from a simple digestive protein.
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044 - Cellular Specialization

In this podcast Paul Andersen explains how cells differentiate to become tissue specific. He also explains the role of transcription factors in gene regulation. The location of a cell within the blastula ultimately determines its fate. The SrY gene is an important external stimuli in human development. The heat shock factor is also discussed as an example of an environmental simuli.
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043 - Cellular Organelles

Paul Andersen describes the structure and function of the major organelles in a eukaryotic cell. The endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, and golgi complex produce and store proteins in the cell. Lysosomes dissolve broken and invasive material. Vacuole store material in plant cells. Mitochondria produce ATP through cellular respiration and chloroplasts use the energy of the sun to produce sugars.
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028 - Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis

Paul Andersen explains how the cell cycle is used to create new cells. The creation of identical diploid daughter cells, through mitosis, is described. The creation of unique haploid daughter cells, through meiosis is also described. The importance of cyclin and cyclin dependent kinases to regulate the cell cycle is included.
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016 - Transport Across Cell Membranes

Paul Andersen describes how cells move materials across the cell membrane. All movement can be classified as passive or active. Passive transport, like diffusion, requires no energy as particles move along their gradient. Active transport requires additional energy as particles move against their gradient. Specific examples, like GLUT and the Na/K pump are included.
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015 - Cell Membranes

Paul Andersen explains how cells are selectively permeable with the help of their cell membrane. The main constituents of the cell membrane, including cholesterol, glycolipids, glycoproteins, phospholipids, and proteins are included. The fluid mosaic model is also illustrated. The cell wall in plants, bacteria, and fungi is also discussed.
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