033 - Genotypes and Phenotypes
/Paul Andersen explains how changes in the genotype of an individual can affect the phenotype. He begins with genotype:phenotype::letters:story analogy. He explains how mutations can be neutral, beneficial or harmful. He also explains how mistakes in the cell cycle can lead to disorder, sterility or new species.
032 - Signal Transmission and Gene Expression
/031 - Gene Regulation
/030 - Advanced Genetics
/029 - Mendelian Genetics
/Paul Andersen explains simple Mendelian genetics. He begins with a brief introduction of Gregor Mendel and his laws of segregation and independent assortment. He then presents a number of simple genetics problems along with their answers. He also explains how advances in genetic knowledge may lead to ethical and privacy concerns.
028 - Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis
/027 - DNA and RNA - part 2
/027 - DNA and RNA - part 1
/026 - Behavior and Natural Selection
/025 - Mechanisms of Timing and Control
/024 - Development: Timing and Coordination
/023 - Plant and Animal Defense Mechanisms
/022 - Homeostatic Disruptions
/021 - Homeostatic Evolution
/020 - Biotic and Abiotic Factors
/019 - Response to External Environments
/018 - Positive and Negative Feedback Loops
/017 - Compartmentalization
/Paul Andersen explains how eukaryotic cells use compartmentalization to increase the surface area and level of specialization within the cell. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are compared and contrasted. The role of both the mitochodria and endoplasmic reticulum are discussed.